Why I Believe in Healing

The pivotal event during my teenage years was Scripture Union. I had an ulcer. My elder sister (Eugenia) was a nurse so when I had pain she would take me to the hospital and give me an injection. It would help me relax and sleep peacefully. So when I went to Scripture Union I went with my stomach issue. I had my first healing from Scripture Union. It was an Easter convention. We went to a convention and the speaker said you are here for a purpose and if you believe in God, He's able to set you free. I really didn't understand. During the break three people came to pray with me and they said do you believe that God can set you free from these troubles? I cannot remember their names but they prophesied so many things over me. After the programme, they took me to the dining hall and told me you are going to have lunch. As I was coming down the stairs and then I heard in my heart "you are healed from your ulcer." They gave me the food. It was spicy. And he said eat this sister. Previously, even the smell of cooking with lots of pepper would trigger my ulcer and I would collapse in pain. That day, I ate the food and was healed. It was really an amazing testimony that made me understand the miraculous power of healing. And I shared that testimony with all my family - especially my mother. That testimony at a young age gave me so much confidence in prayer.

Date published:
May 8, 2024
Early Life

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