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The Kolanut is a digital library dedicated to preserving, honoring and celebrating the rich oral traditions and life experiences of African Elders. The kola nut, a symbol of respect, togetherness, and hospitality, serves as the inspiration for our organization, which aims to create a bridge between generations by sharing the stories that have shaped our communities.

Our mission is to preserve, honor and celebrate the authentic reflections from a unique generation of African Elders and build generational bridges through the power of storytelling.

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Kente in the Cold

Kente in the Cold

The cold in Russia was indescribable, especially coming from the humidity of Ghana. I would leave my beer and drinks outside the window - it was better than a fridge. Studying at the University of Moscow was exciting, especially at the time. I became a de facto DJ in the dorms and would play records of jazz and soul music for my friends. We had a small Ghanaian community in Russia and sometimes we would travel by train to Germany and by boat to the UK during the long holidays. I was studying there while America and Russia raced to put the first man on the moon. We had a cultural day and I wore my Kente cloth in the cold. They all appreciated the colorful Kente cloth but it was too cold! After my studies I returned to Ghana and met my wife, Theresa. We then moved to Yugoslavia so I could pursue my PHd at the Josef Stefan institute at Ljubljana, Slovenia, Yugoslavia where I researched ways to reduce the large errors associated with neutron monitoring of radiation damage, which affects the fracture toughness of reactor pressure vessels. PHd was supervised by Prof. Mitja Najzer, who had connections in the International Development Programme, a department within the IAEA. After my doctorate we moved back to Ghana with one child and I worked at the Ghana Atomic Energy Agency as the Neutron Activation Analysis Laboratory Head, where I had previously worked as a researcher. Our Second daughter was born in Ghana before we relocated to Vienna, Austria where I started work as an Inspector at the International Atomic Energy Agency, where we had our son and where I spent the majority of my career. Our home in Vienna has been the longest place I have lived in. It has always been about family and nuclear.

Marrying the Nuclear Man

Marrying the Nuclear Man

I met Ike at a wedding. He was an expert in nuclear energy. My mother asked whether he was going to bomb us when he came to make his intentions known. We moved to Yugoslavia where he was pursuing his doctorate. Flying into a foreign country was a new experience. Sometimes it was lonely and sometimes it was difficult because I did not understand the language. That affects everything you do. Ike did not understand the language well. He would make up the weather report and say the next day would be mild weather. The next day it would rain. I decided I had to learn the language myself. We were poor students for a long time but eventually we settled well and had our first child. By the time we returned to Ghana, I had learnt the language well, made some very good friends and written a book. We moved back to Ghana and lived in Kwabenya, an area the government had built for people working at the Ghana Atomic Energy Agency. More nuclear men and women. We had married in the Kwabenya church and so it was very precious to me. I started teaching at the Sunday School there as well as teaching full time at Legon Primary. Some of our lifelong friends were made during our days at Kwabenya. We had another child and then Ike was relocated to Vienna, Austria to work at the International Atomic Energy Agency. I remember he had applied for the role but we did not hear back from them for a long time. I kept checking. Then we found out that his boss had received the letter but hid it in his drawer. I do not know why he did that. Ike moved to Vienna in 1984 and I moved with the children in 1985. Vienna was our home for many years - so I have deep roots there from friends, our church community at Grace Church and working as a teacher at the Vienna International School. I taught so many children at Vienna International School. So I have so many adopted children from different nationalities that I am still connected to. I love Vienna; the healthcare, the cleanliness, the food, cafes, the public transport. Our third child was born in Vienna. Three children with three different birth cities with the Nuclear Man.

Marching for Kwame Nkrumah

Marching for Kwame Nkrumah

What I remember most about Ghana as a youth are the youth groups. My elder sister (Maggie) took me to one of her groups and I learnt some songs that were used for demonstrations. I didn't even know what “demonstrations” were. Maggie was smart. She took me to all these places. And we would sing songs and march in the demonstrations to support Kwame Nkrumah. I did not fully understand the importance of independence at the time but I loved the songs and being part of the group. I still remember some of the songs. I liked school generally. What I didn't like about school were sports. What I liked the most about school was telling stories. I had an aunt, who was not educated, but she could tell good stories. My father said no one should teach if they do not love children. He was a teacher so he should know. He said that even before he died. I asked him several times: "who doesn't like children?" Once I completed high school, the person who inspired me to finally pursue teaching is an uncle I would stay with during the long vacations. He asked me what I was planning to do. I hadn't even made up my mind because I did not want to disturb my mother to help me with the fees. He asked me whether I thought about being a teacher because he and the wife felt I would be very good at teaching. Right there and then we took a taxi straight to the teacher training school. I showed them my certificate and he calculated everything that I needed and paid for it. That was another testimony. That was a big testimony.

Why I Believe in Healing

Why I Believe in Healing

The pivotal event during my teenage years was Scripture Union. I had an ulcer. My elder sister (Eugenia) was a nurse so when I had pain she would take me to the hospital and give me an injection. It would help me relax and sleep peacefully. So when I went to Scripture Union I went with my stomach issue. I had my first healing from Scripture Union. It was an Easter convention. We went to a convention and the speaker said you are here for a purpose and if you believe in God, He's able to set you free. I really didn't understand. During the break three people came to pray with me and they said do you believe that God can set you free from these troubles? I cannot remember their names but they prophesied so many things over me. After the programme, they took me to the dining hall and told me you are going to have lunch. As I was coming down the stairs and then I heard in my heart "you are healed from your ulcer." They gave me the food. It was spicy. And he said eat this sister. Previously, even the smell of cooking with lots of pepper would trigger my ulcer and I would collapse in pain. That day, I ate the food and was healed. It was really an amazing testimony that made me understand the miraculous power of healing. And I shared that testimony with all my family - especially my mother. That testimony at a young age gave me so much confidence in prayer.

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